uploads/air corps.jpg

air corps 〔美國〕(陸軍中的)飛行大隊。

air corridor

I and many americans appreciated , particularly , your references to the american army air corps pilots who flew across the hump of the himalayas to bring assistance to china during world war ii 我和很多美國人都特別贊賞您談到二戰期間美國“飛虎隊”的飛行員飛越喜馬拉雅山脈,向中國提供援助的情況。

Right after graduation , ml enlisted and was assigned to the 27th bombardment group of the army air corps . the group arrived in manila two weeks before dec . 7 , 1941 曼梯?里一畢業就入了伍,被分派到陸軍航空兵第27轟炸隊,這個轟炸隊在1941年12月7日前兩周到達馬尼拉。

The war department ' s refusal led many to feel that blacks would be guaranteed acceptance into the air corps only through legislation by congress 陸軍部的拒絕使大多數人認識到,只有通過國會立法,黑人才能得以確保被吸納入空軍。

During the war , hurricanes were sold to egypt , finland , india , the irish persia , turkey and the ussr air corps 戰爭期間,裝備“颶風”戰斗機的包括埃及芬蘭印度愛爾蘭,伊朗土耳其和蘇聯等國家的空軍

The tuskegee airmen were the first black fighter pilots who fought during world war two in the united states army air corps “黑色轟炸機”是第二次世界大戰期間美國空軍中第一支黑人戰斗機飛行隊。

Army air corps , serving in world war ii and eventually reaching the rank of major 41歲的時候,蓋博加入美國空軍,參加了二戰并最終晉升至空軍少校。

Even as he edits his new picture , he ' s been secretly meeting with the u . s . air corps 即使正在剪輯他的新片他也已經和空軍方面進行了秘密會談

Army air corp aac 英國陸軍航空兵

. . . it ' s quite exciting , actuaiiy . it ' s a spy piane for the air corps . . .實際上相當激動人心是給空軍的偵察機

. . . it ' s quite exciting , actually . it ' s a spy plane for the air corps . . .實際上相當激動人心是給空軍的偵察機

It ' s quite exciting , actually . it ' s a spy plane for the air corps .實際上相當激動人心是給空軍的偵察機

It ' s quite exciting , actuaiiy . it ' s a spy piane for the air corps .實際上相當激動人心是給空軍的偵察機

Air corps method for octane rating 美國空軍測定辛烷值法

I don ' t think the air corps men will have trouble scoring 我想空軍的先生們不會空手而歸的

I don ' t think the air corps men wiii have troubie scoring 我想空軍的先生們不會空手而歸的

To insure integration and to build up mutual confidence, general marshall felt it essential that, at that time, his deputy should be from the air corps . 當時馬歇爾將軍覺得為保證團結及建立共同信心,他的副手,實應由空軍中選拔。

The german air corps had waited for more than seven months to strike their blow and prove their mettle . 德國空軍軍團待命出擊以一試其鋒芒,已經有七個多月了。